第3回内国勧業博覧会に出品した濤川氏の独創的な七宝法による17の歴代名画の屏風.巨勢公持弓取図.鳥羽覚猷獣戯図.藤原信実歌仙図.僧明兆楊柳観音像.僧周文暮烟帰鴉図.真能月夜投網図.土佐光信桂女.僧雪舟筆淡彩山水.狩野元信狡鼠喰果図/(... Mr. Namikawa has exhibited a screen on which are reproduced by his original method of enamelling seventeen historical masterpieces of paintings ... "Bow-dance" by Kimmochi. "Animals at play" by Kakuyu. "The poet" by Nobusane. "Goddess of mercy" by ...)

第3回内国勧業博覧会に出品した濤川氏の独創的な七宝法による17の歴代名画の屏風.巨勢公持弓取図.鳥羽覚猷獣戯図.藤原信実歌仙図.僧明兆楊柳観音像.僧周文暮烟帰鴉図.真能月夜投網図.土佐光信桂女.僧雪舟筆淡彩山水.狩野元信狡鼠喰果図/(... Mr. Namikawa has exhibited a screen on which are reproduced by his original method of enamelling seventeen historical masterpieces of paintings ... "Bow-dance" by Kimmochi. "Animals at play" by Kakuyu. "The poet" by Nobusane. "Goddess of mercy" by ...)

被写体 第3回内国勧業博覧会に出品した濤川氏の独創的な七宝法による17の歴代名画の屏風.巨勢公持弓取図.鳥羽覚猷獣戯図.藤原信実歌仙図.僧明兆楊柳観音像.僧周文暮烟帰鴉図.真能月夜投網図.土佐光信桂女.僧雪舟筆淡彩山水.狩野元信狡鼠喰果図/(... Mr. Namikawa has exhibited a screen on which are reproduced by his original method of enamelling seventeen historical masterpieces of paintings ... "Bow-dance" by Kimmochi. "Animals at play" by Kakuyu. "The poet" by Nobusane. "Goddess of mercy" by ...)
掲載書名 緑綬褒章の賞状.シカゴ・コロンブス万国博覧会.1890年東京第3回内国勧業博覧会審査報告からの抜粋.日本の七宝
編集者名 ナミカワ ソウスケ ( 濤川 惣助 )/(Namikawa, Sosuke)
年代 [1896?]
請求番号 N/7353/Na
図書ID 000166462
GID GM019010
PhotoCD no. 174051