一角仙人を表す能面.彼は額に瘤がある/(The No-mask representing the One-horned Hermit. He has a wen on his forehead.)

一角仙人を表す能面.彼は額に瘤がある/(The No-mask representing the One-horned Hermit. He has a wen on his forehead.)

被写体 一角仙人を表す能面.彼は額に瘤がある/(The No-mask representing the One-horned Hermit. He has a wen on his forehead.)
掲載書名 能面に関する若干のこと
編集者名 ミュラー/(Muller, F. W. K.)
請求番号 PN/2924/Mu
図書ID 000514877
GID GM061065
PhotoCD no. 203046