蒔絵.研出と平蒔絵の硯箱.画題は金,銀,彩色による舟の上での楽しい集まり;内側は見事な梨地,多分,春正作.18世紀/(Lacquer. Suzuri-bako, in togidashi and hira-makiye. Subject, a pleasure party in a boat in gold, silver, and colours; inside, fine nashiji, probably by Shunsho. 18c.)

蒔絵.研出と平蒔絵の硯箱.画題は金,銀,彩色による舟の上での楽しい集まり;内側は見事な梨地,多分,春正作.18世紀/(Lacquer. Suzuri-bako, in togidashi and hira-makiye. Subject, a pleasure party in a boat in gold, silver, and colours; inside, fine nashiji, probably by Shunsho. 18c.)

被写体 蒔絵.研出と平蒔絵の硯箱.画題は金,銀,彩色による舟の上での楽しい集まり;内側は見事な梨地,多分,春正作.18世紀/(Lacquer. Suzuri-bako, in togidashi and hira-makiye. Subject, a pleasure party in a boat in gold, silver, and colours; inside, fine nashiji, probably by Shunsho. 18c.)
掲載書名 日本の収集品 第2巻
編集者名 トムキンソン/(Tomkinson, Michael)
年代 1898
請求番号 NK/550/To
図書ID 001530724
GID GO026026
PhotoCD no. 372