金工.太鼓形の銀の香炉,台付き,底は十字形;蓋の上に雄鶏と雌鳥がのっている.太鼓の端は竜と鳳凰の意匠の打出し彫.台には徳川の家紋.高さ18か4分の1インチ,18世紀/(Metal work. Koro in silver, shape of a drum, on a stand, the base forming a cross; the lid is surmounted by a cock and hen. The ends of the drum are in repousse work, with designs of the dragon and howo. On the stand is the Tokugawa crest ... 18c.)

金工.太鼓形の銀の香炉,台付き,底は十字形;蓋の上に雄鶏と雌鳥がのっている.太鼓の端は竜と鳳凰の意匠の打出し彫.台には徳川の家紋.高さ18か4分の1インチ,18世紀/(Metal work. Koro in silver, shape of a drum, on a stand, the base forming a cross; the lid is surmounted by a cock and hen. The ends of the drum are in repousse work, with designs of the dragon and howo. On the stand is the Tokugawa crest ... 18c.)

被写体 金工.太鼓形の銀の香炉,台付き,底は十字形;蓋の上に雄鶏と雌鳥がのっている.太鼓の端は竜と鳳凰の意匠の打出し彫.台には徳川の家紋.高さ18か4分の1インチ,18世紀/(Metal work. Koro in silver, shape of a drum, on a stand, the base forming a cross; the lid is surmounted by a cock and hen. The ends of the drum are in repousse work, with designs of the dragon and howo. On the stand is the Tokugawa crest ... 18c.)
掲載書名 日本の収集品 第2巻
編集者名 トムキンソン/(Tomkinson, Michael)
年代 1898
請求番号 NK/550/To
図書ID 001530724
GID GO026035
PhotoCD no. 372