汽船”インド女帝号”,”中国皇后号”,”日本皇后号”の客室平面図.遊歩甲板,上甲板,主甲板/(Cabin plan of steamships "Empress of India," "Empress of China" and "Empress of Japan." Promenade deck. Upper deck. Main deck.)

汽船”インド女帝号”,”中国皇后号”,”日本皇后号”の客室平面図.遊歩甲板,上甲板,主甲板/(Cabin plan of steamships "Empress of India," "Empress of China" and "Empress of Japan." Promenade deck. Upper deck. Main deck.)

被写体 汽船”インド女帝号”,”中国皇后号”,”日本皇后号”の客室平面図.遊歩甲板,上甲板,主甲板/(Cabin plan of steamships "Empress of India," "Empress of China" and "Empress of Japan." Promenade deck. Upper deck. Main deck.)
掲載書名 西回り極東へ:中国と日本の主要な都市の案内と朝鮮の印象
編集者名 シッドモア(シドモア)/(Scidmore, Eliza Ruhamah, 1856-1928)
年代 1893
請求番号 DS/809/Sc
図書ID 002895316
GID GS033062
PhotoCD no. 419