片岡高房.たいそう器量よしの男.彼は忠実な気質で決して義務を怠らなかった.しばしば逆境にあったにもかかわらず最後に主君の敵を討つときに願望を果たす機会を与えられた.当時37歳/(Kataoka Takafusa. Was a very good looking man. He had a good disposition and never neglected his duties. Although he often met with adversities, he was at last enabled to fulfil his wishes in destroying his master's enemy. He was then 37 years old.)

片岡高房.たいそう器量よしの男.彼は忠実な気質で決して義務を怠らなかった.しばしば逆境にあったにもかかわらず最後に主君の敵を討つときに願望を果たす機会を与えられた.当時37歳/(Kataoka Takafusa. Was a very good looking man. He had a good disposition and never neglected his duties. Although he often met with adversities, he was at last enabled to fulfil his wishes in destroying his master's enemy. He was then 37 years old.)

被写体 片岡高房.たいそう器量よしの男.彼は忠実な気質で決して義務を怠らなかった.しばしば逆境にあったにもかかわらず最後に主君の敵を討つときに願望を果たす機会を与えられた.当時37歳/(Kataoka Takafusa. Was a very good looking man. He had a good disposition and never neglected his duties. Although he often met with adversities, he was at last enabled to fulfil his wishes in destroying his master's enemy. He was then 37 years old.)
掲載書名 47人の浪人(四十七士)(忠臣蔵)
編集者名 ミヤザキ キチゴロウ ( 宮崎 吉五郎 )/(Miyazaki, Kichigoro)
年代 [1893]
請求番号 DS/873/Mi
図書ID 002193076
GID GT021011
PhotoCD no. 422