


  • 大君の都 (オールコック) / The capital of the Tycoon : a narrative of a three years' residence in Japan v. 1 (Alcock, Rutherford, Sir, 1809-1897)

  • 大君の都 (オールコック) / The capital of the Tycoon : a narrative of a three years' residence in Japan v. 1 (Alcock, Rutherford, Sir, 1809-1897)

  • 大使の日本記(日本誌:オランダ東インド会社遣日使節記) (モンタヌス) / Atlas Japannensis : being remarkable addresses by way of embassy from the East-India Company of the United Provinces, to the Emperor of Japan : containing a description of their several territories, cities, temples, and fortresses, their religions, ... (Montanus, Arnoldus, 1625?-1683)

  • 退職機関士ジェームズ・バチェルダーの人生と旅行の手記 (バチェルダー) / Notes from the life and travels of James Batchelder, a retired locomotive engineer (Batchelder, James)

  • 対蹠地と世界一周:すなわちオーストラリア,ニュージーランド,セイロン,中国,日本,カリフォルニア旅行 (フリーア(フレアー/フリア/フレール)) / The antipodes and round the world : or, travels in Australia, New Zealand, Ceylon, China, Japan, and California (Frere, Alice M.)

  • 太平洋(南東)での航海と主要な島々の叙述 (クバルスキ,M.A.) / Voyages dans l'ocean Pacifique (Sud-Est) et description des iles principales (Kubalski, M.A.)

  • 太陽と競争:シカゴから16カ月の世界一周旅行 (ハリソン(ハリスン)) / A race with the sun : or a sixteen months' tour from Chicago around the world (Harrison, Carter Henry, 1825-1893)

  • 太陽との出会い:世界一周記 (シンプソン) / Meeting the sun : a journey all round the world through Egypt, China, Japan, and California, including an account of the marriage ceremonies of the emperor of China (Simpson, William, 1823-1899)

  • 太陽の国々と海:汽船”セイロン号”での旅:インド,海峡植民地,マニラ,中国,日本,カリフォルニアでの5ヶ月間の旅行の手記 (ウィルキンソン) / Sunny lands and seas : a voyage in the ss. ”"Ceylon.”" : notes made during a five months' tour in India, the Straits Settlements, Manila, China, Japan, and California (Wilkinson, Hugh, b. 1850)

  • 太陽の通路で (トンプソン(トムソン)) / In the track of the sun : readings from the diary of a globe trotter (Thompson, Frederick Diodati, 1850-1906)