The history of Japan : giving an account of the ancient and present state and government of the empire, of its temples, places, castles and other buildings, of its metals, minerals, trees, plants, animals, birds and fishes, of the chronology and ... 2 v. (Kaempfer, Engelbert, 1651-1716) / 日本史(日本誌) ケンペル(ケンプファー/ケンプフェル)
The history of the Bonin Islands from the year 1827 to the year 1876, and of Nathaniel Savory, one of the original settlers to which is added a short supplement dealing with the Islands after their occupation by the Japanese (Cholmondeley, Lionel Berners, b. 1858) / 1827年から1876年までの小笠原諸島の歴史と,最初の移住者の一人ナサニエル・セヴォリーの話,日本人による領有後のその諸島に関する短い補遺を添えて チャムレー
The history of the Indian revolt and of the expeditions to Persia, China, and Japan, 1856-7-8 (Dodd, G.) / インドの反乱とペルシア・中国・日本への遠征の歴史 ドッド,G.