上の文字は魁,器の漆の装飾を製作した芸術家の名である.下の符号は彼のしるし(花押)である/(The upper character is Kai, the name of the artist by whom the lacquer decoration of the vessel was executed. the lower charakter if his mark.)
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  • 上の文字は魁,器の漆の装飾を製作した芸術家の名である.下の符号は彼のしるし(花押)である/(The upper character is Kai, the name of the artist by whom the lacquer decoration of the vessel was executed. the lower charakter if his mark.)

上の文字は魁,器の漆の装飾を製作した芸術家の名である.下の符号は彼のしるし(花押)である/(The upper character is Kai, the name of the artist by whom the lacquer decoration of the vessel was executed. the lower charakter if his mark.)


caption 上の文字は魁,器の漆の装飾を製作した芸術家の名である.下の符号は彼のしるし(花押)である/(The upper character is Kai, the name of the artist by whom the lacquer decoration of the vessel was executed. the lower charakter if his mark.)
book title 日本のしるしと印(印章)
author ボウズ/(Bowes, James Lord, 1834-1899)
year [1882]
Library Number CD/6243/Bo
author 000050773
GID GL008179
PhotoCD no. 124056