上の文字は魁,器の漆の装飾を製作した芸術家の名である.下の符号は彼のしるし(花押)である/(The upper character is Kai, the name of the artist by whom the lacquer decoration of the vessel was executed. the lower charakter if his mark.)
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  • 上の文字は魁,器の漆の装飾を製作した芸術家の名である.下の符号は彼のしるし(花押)である/(The upper character is Kai, the name of the artist by whom the lacquer decoration of the vessel was executed. the lower charakter if his mark.)

上の文字は魁,器の漆の装飾を製作した芸術家の名である.下の符号は彼のしるし(花押)である/(The upper character is Kai, the name of the artist by whom the lacquer decoration of the vessel was executed. the lower charakter if his mark.)
