印籠.金属製.蒔絵.銀製.青銅製.赤銅と銀製.18-19世紀.いろいろな印章.鞘は人物像,宗ミン(◆U73C9◆).鞘は雁と植物,重明.植物,得斎.時計と羅針盤を含有(印籠時計),旭.七福神,松水軒小沢美章.徳利型,猩々の面,光雪.鳥と花,石黒政美.竜虎/(Inro. Metal. Lacquer. Silver. Bronze. Shakudo and silver. 18-19c. Various seals. Figures. Somin. Goose and plant. Shigeaki. Plants. Tokusai. Containing watch and compass. Asahi. The seven gods of happiness. Shosuiken Ozawa Yoshiaki. Shape of sake jar ...)
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  • 印籠.金属製.蒔絵.銀製.青銅製.赤銅と銀製.18-19世紀.いろいろな印章.鞘は人物像,宗ミン(◆U73C9◆).鞘は雁と植物,重明.植物,得斎.時計と羅針盤を含有(印籠時計),旭.七福神,松水軒小沢美章.徳利型,猩々の面,光雪.鳥と花,石黒政美.竜虎/(Inro. Metal. Lacquer. Silver. Bronze. Shakudo and silver. 18-19c. Various seals. Figures. Somin. Goose and plant. Shigeaki. Plants. Tokusai. Containing watch and compass. Asahi. The seven gods of happiness. Shosuiken Ozawa Yoshiaki. Shape of sake jar ...)

印籠.金属製.蒔絵.銀製.青銅製.赤銅と銀製.18-19世紀.いろいろな印章.鞘は人物像,宗ミン(◆U73C9◆).鞘は雁と植物,重明.植物,得斎.時計と羅針盤を含有(印籠時計),旭.七福神,松水軒小沢美章.徳利型,猩々の面,光雪.鳥と花,石黒政美.竜虎/(Inro. Metal. Lacquer. Silver. Bronze. Shakudo and silver. 18-19c. Various seals. Figures. Somin. Goose and plant. Shigeaki. Plants. Tokusai. Containing watch and compass. Asahi. The seven gods of happiness. Shosuiken Ozawa Yoshiaki. Shape of sake jar ...)


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caption 印籠.金属製.蒔絵.銀製.青銅製.赤銅と銀製.18-19世紀.いろいろな印章.鞘は人物像,宗ミン(◆U73C9◆).鞘は雁と植物,重明.植物,得斎.時計と羅針盤を含有(印籠時計),旭.七福神,松水軒小沢美章.徳利型,猩々の面,光雪.鳥と花,石黒政美.竜虎/(Inro. Metal. Lacquer. Silver. Bronze. Shakudo and silver. 18-19c. Various seals. Figures. Somin. Goose and plant. Shigeaki. Plants. Tokusai. Containing watch and compass. Asahi. The seven gods of happiness. Shosuiken Ozawa Yoshiaki. Shape of sake jar ...)
book title 日本の収集品 第1巻
author トムキンソン/(Tomkinson, Michael)
year 1898
Library Number NK/550/To
author 001530716
GID GO025028
PhotoCD no. 371