芝の”寺院”の平面図.秀忠<2代将軍>の礼拝堂.同上の霊廟<八角堂>.家宣,家慶,家茂<6,12,14代将軍>の礼拝堂.同上の霊廟.家継と家重<7,9代将軍>の礼拝堂.同上の霊廟.第2,6,11,13代将軍の正室の礼拝堂.清揚院<6代将軍の父> .../(Plan of "the Temples" of Shiba. Chapel of Hidetada (2nd Shogun). Tomb of ditto (Hakkakudo). Chapel of Iyenobu, Iyeyoshi, and Iyemochi (6th,12th, and 14th Sh.). Chapel of Iyetsugu and Iyeshige (7th and 9th Sh.). Chapel of consorts of the 2nd, 6th, 11th ...)
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  • 芝の”寺院”の平面図.秀忠<2代将軍>の礼拝堂.同上の霊廟<八角堂>.家宣,家慶,家茂<6,12,14代将軍>の礼拝堂.同上の霊廟.家継と家重<7,9代将軍>の礼拝堂.同上の霊廟.第2,6,11,13代将軍の正室の礼拝堂.清揚院<6代将軍の父> .../(Plan of "the Temples" of Shiba. Chapel of Hidetada (2nd Shogun). Tomb of ditto (Hakkakudo). Chapel of Iyenobu, Iyeyoshi, and Iyemochi (6th,12th, and 14th Sh.). Chapel of Iyetsugu and Iyeshige (7th and 9th Sh.). Chapel of consorts of the 2nd, 6th, 11th ...)

芝の”寺院”の平面図.秀忠<2代将軍>の礼拝堂.同上の霊廟<八角堂>.家宣,家慶,家茂<6,12,14代将軍>の礼拝堂.同上の霊廟.家継と家重<7,9代将軍>の礼拝堂.同上の霊廟.第2,6,11,13代将軍の正室の礼拝堂.清揚院<6代将軍の父> .../(Plan of "the Temples" of Shiba. Chapel of Hidetada (2nd Shogun). Tomb of ditto (Hakkakudo). Chapel of Iyenobu, Iyeyoshi, and Iyemochi (6th,12th, and 14th Sh.). Chapel of Iyetsugu and Iyeshige (7th and 9th Sh.). Chapel of consorts of the 2nd, 6th, 11th ...)


caption 芝の”寺院”の平面図.秀忠<2代将軍>の礼拝堂.同上の霊廟<八角堂>.家宣,家慶,家茂<6,12,14代将軍>の礼拝堂.同上の霊廟.家継と家重<7,9代将軍>の礼拝堂.同上の霊廟.第2,6,11,13代将軍の正室の礼拝堂.清揚院<6代将軍の父> .../(Plan of "the Temples" of Shiba. Chapel of Hidetada (2nd Shogun). Tomb of ditto (Hakkakudo). Chapel of Iyenobu, Iyeyoshi, and Iyemochi (6th,12th, and 14th Sh.). Chapel of Iyetsugu and Iyeshige (7th and 9th Sh.). Chapel of consorts of the 2nd, 6th, 11th ...)
book title キーリングの日本旅行案内:横浜,東京,箱根,富士山,鎌倉,横須賀,鹿野山,成田,日光,京都,大阪,神戸など:ならびに有用な助言,歴史,習慣,祭礼,道路など
author キーリング/(Keeling, W. E. L.)
year 1890
Library Number DS/805/Ke
author 002722981
GID GP025006
PhotoCD no. 386