僧正遍昭.蓮葉の濁りに染まぬこころもてなにかは露をたまにあさむく.(解説なし,小舟に乗って蓮池で蓮の花を摘む少女と女性)/(Sojo Henjio. Rooted in mud and slime, yet all unsoiled This lotus rears its perfect head, and on Its leaf the dew shines like a gem unspoiled By mortal breath or envious hand. Ah, why Should leaf so pure to cheat with gem-like lustre try?)
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  • 僧正遍昭.蓮葉の濁りに染まぬこころもてなにかは露をたまにあさむく.(解説なし,小舟に乗って蓮池で蓮の花を摘む少女と女性)/(Sojo Henjio. Rooted in mud and slime, yet all unsoiled This lotus rears its perfect head, and on Its leaf the dew shines like a gem unspoiled By mortal breath or envious hand. Ah, why Should leaf so pure to cheat with gem-like lustre try?)

僧正遍昭.蓮葉の濁りに染まぬこころもてなにかは露をたまにあさむく.(解説なし,小舟に乗って蓮池で蓮の花を摘む少女と女性)/(Sojo Henjio. Rooted in mud and slime, yet all unsoiled This lotus rears its perfect head, and on Its leaf the dew shines like a gem unspoiled By mortal breath or envious hand. Ah, why Should leaf so pure to cheat with gem-like lustre try?)


被写体 僧正遍昭.蓮葉の濁りに染まぬこころもてなにかは露をたまにあさむく.(解説なし,小舟に乗って蓮池で蓮の花を摘む少女と女性)/(Sojo Henjio. Rooted in mud and slime, yet all unsoiled This lotus rears its perfect head, and on Its leaf the dew shines like a gem unspoiled By mortal breath or envious hand. Ah, why Should leaf so pure to cheat with gem-like lustre try?)
掲載書名 六歌仙:6人の天才詩人(歌人)による絵入りの詩(和歌)
編集者名 アキヤマ アイサブロウ ( 秋山 愛三郎 )/(Akiyama, Aisaburo)
年代 [1894]
請求番号 PL/728/Ak
図書ID 002193118
GID GT023006
PhotoCD no. 422